Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The U.S. Government Wants To Reform Healthcare?

Maybe They Should Reform Their System First

On June 14, I read a story from Associated Press Writer Mary Clare Jalonick entitled “PROMISES, PROMISES: Indian health care needs unmet”. It related the difficulties, if not outright impossibility of Native Americans receiving even the most basic health care services promised to them by the United States government.

According to data in Census 2000, “4.3 million people, or 1.5 percent of the total U.S. population, reported that they were American Indian and Alaska Native”. The Indian Health Service system, serves almost 2 million American Indians in 35 states.

Granted, not all of this Native American population lives on their national (tribal for you who don't know better) reservations, but, a large portion does, and the healthcare they have been promised by the United States is dismal at best. The wealthier nations that have casinos for example, are able to better provide for the health care needs of their people, but those that do not, and are in more remote areas of the country can not. Many of the “treaty” promises of health care for Native Americans go back as far as 1787, and are far from being fulfilled. In fact, the stoy relates that “ About one-third more is spent per capita on health care for felons in federal prison”, and that on many reservations they say "don't get sick after June," when the federal dollars run out.

Now the Federal government has declared the health care system in the United States “broken”, and congress at the urging of President Obama is working to “take over” (nationalize) health care. Now, the population of the United States is 303,824,640 people. If the Federal government (through the Indian Health Service, with a $3.6 billion this budget year) can not provide adequate health care for 2 million Americans, what makes the rest of you think that the remaining 301 million are going to fare any better?

If the money runs out for The Native Americans in June, what makes you think the government will do a better job for the rest of us? I have sincere doubts that they can. They haven't been able to run Social Security and Medicare correctly, so what makes anyone think they can do better with health care?

Will we end up with a system like that in the United Kingdom, where the average citizen is limited to a the government run health system, while the wealthy citizen can opt for private care?

Its already happening with our unfortunate Native American citizens. Why should we expect any better?

© Copyright 2009 Steve Smith. All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Big Oil Pay Attention

Now that the Federal government has gotten a taste for running two of “The Big Three” auto makers, and is now telling executives with financial institutions how much they can earn, “Big Oil” in the United States should be watching closely and taking notes. Because you can be sure of one certainty. You are next on the government’s takeover list.

Think I am jumping the gun? Being irresponsible in my supposition? Fanning the flames of discontent? Being socialism phobic?


As evidence to bolster my theory, let me remind you of just one short year ago. “Big Oil” was subjected to congressional “hearings” over the price increases of gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil. The oil companies were being scrutinized over their reasoning for the price increases, and many Americans were outraged over the huge quarterly profits reported by “Big Oil”.

I recall Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) stating that if the oil companies could not run their companies better, then perhaps they should be “socialized”. She stumbled over her words immediately after using the term “socialized”, but she said it nonetheless. Faux pas perhaps? Wishful thinking? Maybe.

However, with the goings on with Chrysler, General Motors, and the banking corporations don't be shocked if governmental pressure is applied to “Big Oil” that includes “nationalization”. Especially if the price of gas keeps making its way upward as it has over the last few weeks. If gasoline starts getting to or above three bucks a gallon...well... “Big Oil”... consider yourself warned.

By the way, just one more thing. Since the government now owns or controls a portion of General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, and many of the banks...and in addition, since we are told that the government of this country is “of the people, by the people, and for the people”...when will we start seeing our dividend checks?

Don't think I'm going to hold my breath on that one.

© Copyright 2009 Steve Smith. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Main Source Of Global Warming

I was on my way to work Sunday morning, and turned on the radio. I happened to come across a talk show, and listened for a bit until I got to work. I do not know whose talk show it was, but the host and his guest were discussing global warming. They were saying how the proponents of global warming would not even begin to debate those who opposed the idea of this theory. They mentioned a certain former Vice-President and former Presidential candidate and global warming fanatic, one Mr. Al Gore… becoming the invisible man when it comes down to debating global warming.

They also brought up the fact that 650 of the world's leading climatologists oppose the theory of global warming. They believe that the climate changes around the globe are more indicative of a coming ice age in the years ahead.

Then the talk show brought up the idea of some politicians and environmentalists wanting to tax farmers who raise cattle. It seems the theory is that a substantial amount of methane gas comes from flatulent cows, and is considered by them as a major factor in global warming. They want to make the farmers and ranchers pay $175.00 a head on cattle they own as a penalty for possessing cattle who will not take Bean-o.

OK, I made the Bean-o part up...but they are serious about a $175.00 fee (“fee” is a nice little word government uses when they don't want to say “tax”) per head on those who make a living raising cattle, and that means both beef and dairy cattle. Well, one does have to keep the windows rolled up, and turn the A/C off when driving through dairy farm country in the summer time, but, geez Louise. Isn't this thing starting to get just a tiny bit extreme?

What I want to know is, why stop with just the cattle? Let's include...oh, I don't about politicians and their cronies who come up with these brainstorms? I mean let's face the facts here. Politicians make a whole lot more than you, me, and the average worker in this country. Therefore, it only stands to reason, that if they make more money than we do, they must be eating richer food than we do. Haven't we all heard about White House chefs in the past that specialized in French cuisine? Have you forgotten the story of a Presidential candidate's wife ordering lobster and Dom Perignon from room service after one of the Presidential debates? Do you really think senators or members of congress visit Wendy's or Denny's on their lunch breaks? Of course not! Hooters maybe, but the other places are just out of the question!

Now, you and I both know what happens when one tends to indulge in rich foods. At the risk of being indelicate, here...let's just say gets gassy, of course. And just what type of gas is it? Well, it sure ain't propane, brother!

The problem is, with all their speeches, promises, conniptions, and rhetoric, the politicians gas is undoubtedly coming from both ends, and more likely than not, probably both ends at the same time. So, to help relieve the world of the dastardly consequences of politico bombastic verbosity and flatulence, here is what I think we should demand.

To solve this callous indifference to global health from politicos across the country, around the world, and up in your courthouse or city hall, we should require that they all be fitted for catalytic converters. For both ends. At the very least, there should be requirements for ventilation systems that remove these dangerously high levels of toxins, and then use a micro-filtering element to neutralize the offending vapors before they can escape into the environment.

Think I am kidding about the political air...bull hockey or whatever you want to call it? The next time you are at a gathering where a politician is present and undoubtedly talking about what great strides he or she has made for you, your community, and your world, take a big whiff. Phew! That ain't Chanel No. 5 sister!

Just one more little note here. I find it somewhat amusing that the word flatulent is derived from the Latin word “flatus” meaning “blowing blast”. Very appropriate when it comes to politicians.

Copyright © 2009 Steve Smith. All Rights Reserved.